
There's no need to wait for your appointment to turn this around. We've brought together some here some essential resources our team of experts fully recommend. Explore this list of articles, apps, and further reading and get the support you need to help your mental health improve.


  • Relationships, Mindfulness, Mental Health, Wellbeing, Trauma

    What I've learnt from 24 years as a Counsellor

    What actually works to improve psychological wellbeing and to truly overcome relationship and family difficulties – What I have learnt from 24 years working as a counsellor and 49 years of life.

  • Mental Health, Wellbeing, Trauma, EMDR

    EMDR Therapy: What is it?

    Eye Movement Reprocessing and Desensitisation, or EMDR, is a fascinating (and empowering) therapy making waves for clients looking to recover from trauma and distressing experiences. 


  • All Blogs


  • BOOK

    The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind & Body in the Healing of Trauma

    Bessel Van der Kolk

  • BOOK

    Lost Connections

    Johann Hari

  • BOOK

    How to Support a Loved One with Depression

    Matthew Baker from The Depression Project

  • All Books


  • APP

    Smiling Mind


  • APP


    Free for basic, Paid for Premium

  • APP

    Insight Timer


  • All Apps
  • Crisis Support Resources

    We offer these resources when we have a caller in immediate severe emotional distress who would benefit from short term and immediate crisis support. Often we will provide a longer…

    Find out more

  • Further Information

    We've gathered some great resources for more in-depth Information about symptoms and treatments related to mental illness and how to care for yourself.

    Find out more

  • Free Online Counselling

    These services are available in the instances where we can't find a promising therapist match via our network that would be convenient for the caller. Often one of these other…

    Find out more

  • Support Groups

    A comprehensive list of different support groups that run all around Australia, that are free to attend. Groups are listed under the different concerns they offer support with.

    Find out more

  • All Network Links


Seeking support when you feel overwhelmed or upset can be challenging in itself. To help make things simple we've compiled a list of questions people often ask when seeking our support, to help make things clear before you even call up.

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Open 8am to 8pm weekdays and 9am to 5:30pm weekends